Mozart: Idomeneo - Taubmann, Menzel, Grob-Prandl, G. Hopf; Zallinger. Wien, 1950


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In 1950 performances of Idomeneo were quite rare and, typically, if the piece was revisited there would be drastic cuts. The fact that this performance is given practically in its entirety makes it doubly interesting and a must-have for lovers of Mozart’s most ambitious opera. In the title role Horst Taubmann brings a burly tenor voice quite capable of flights of fioratura. The real stand-out of the cast is Gertrude Grob-Prandl who lends her over-sized soprano to the role of Elettra. I was particularly impressed by the control she brought to her Act II aria ”Idol mio”, a lyrical piece more in line with ”Porgi amor” than the fiery show-stopper ”D’Oreste, d’Ajace” (which is also quite thrilling). As Idamente, Greta Menzel’s voice lacks true mezzo quality to be convincing as a man, but she still sings admirably treating us to ”No, la morte io non pavento”, one of the many arias featured here that usually wind up on the cutting room floor. The sound is very good.

OD 11310-3