Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (In Italian) - Taddei, Rizzoli, Infantino, Capecchi; von Matačić. Torino, 1962


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  • Yes, this performance is in Italian, but I would caution you from dismissing it as a mere odditiy. In fact, it is somewhat of a revelation, thanks to the insightful leadership of Lovro von Matačić . The odd missed entrance notwithstanding, the orchestra plays with exceptional sensitivity, particularly the sings, who bring a lyricism to Wagner's soaring melodies that brings to mind the superb playing from the La Scala orchestra in the 1950 Furtwängler Ring Cycle.
  • Giuseppe Taddei is a lighter-grained Sachs, but he manages the pacing of this grueling role well, and sings with delicacy and charm.
  • Renato Capecchi's Beckmesser stands up vocally to Taddei, but still finds a good balance between antihero and lovable comic foil.
  • Boris Christoff sonorous bass proves itself an excellent fit for the role of Veit Pogner.
  • The master I received had some distortion, and was a little under-pitch. I have corrected these issues.


  • None to mention.

UPDATE: Initially I incorrectly identified this recording as a performance from Rome, 1964 conducted by Tullio Serafin. 

In Mono

OD 11831-4