Strauss: Salome - Caballé, Wozniak, A. Welitsch, Zimmer; Varviso. Basel, 1957


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So, if you were generally impressed by the skill of Montserrat Caballé in the past, you need to get this recording, marvel at the amazing vocal demonstration, and then consider that she was only 23 at the time!  She was still years away from international stardom, but she doesn't let the keep her from singing like a true star.  Her voice has a softness to it that it may have lost as her career progressed, and I think that there has never been a singer that could sing the most delicate pianissimo high note and then unleash great steely spinto tones.  The sound is very good, although it needs to be pointed out that most of the Dance of the Seven Veils is missing.

OD 10433-2