Verdi: La Forza del destino - Souliotis, Menippo, Sereni, Mattiucci, Vinco; de Angelis. Napoli, 1966


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This performance of La Forza del destino captures Elena Souliotis in the brief but precious period when her voice was working and it looked like she was poised to capture the operatic world. In hindsight it is easy to say that an soprano in her early twenties should probably not be singing one of the most demanding Verdi soprano roles. Despite that conventional wisdom she still gives a performance that is nothing short of classic, using her youthful tone to deliver one of the purest “La vergine degli angeli” I have ever heard as well as an impassioned ”Pace, mio dio”. Carlo Menippo is a bit of a let-down as Alvaro. Even though he copes well with the demands of the role there seems to be zero point of view, just pretty singing. Mario Sereni, however, delivers a very impactful performance conveying Carlo’s elegance and ruthlessness. The sound is very good.

In Mono

OD 11393-2